Chapel Video Logo

Chapel Video Podcast

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in the McDonald Moody auditorium, campus family and friends make time for chapel, a time to celebrate relationships. Some chapel times will focus primarily on our relationship with God, while others will focus primarily on community with each other. Many chapel experiences will combine elements of both.



Podcast image for The Church of Christ Heritage

The Church of Christ Heritage

Monday, Sep 11th, 2023

Dr. Cary goes over some of the attributes of the Church of Christ that impact what we do.

Episode length 11:41 minutes
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Podcast image for The Hope You Possess

The Hope You Possess

Thursday, Sep 7th, 2023

Dr. Bock shares how you don’t just talk about the gospel, but that you have hope for the future.

Episode length 19:18 minutes
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Podcast image for God Made You in His Image

God Made You in His Image

Tuesday, Sep 5th, 2023

Dr. Laughlin gives examples of extraordinary creatures to show how even you are wonderfully made.

Episode length 12:53 minutes
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Podcast image for Living In Community

Living In Community

Tuesday, Aug 29th, 2023

Anna shares how she engaged in community at LCU

Episode length 8:40 minutes
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Podcast image for The Word Wonder

The Word Wonder

Monday, Aug 28th, 2023

Jana Anderson gives all the different meanings of the word wonder. Josh goes over spiritual life credits.

Episode length 12:33 minutes
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Podcast image for Walking wIth God

Walking wIth God

Thursday, Aug 24th, 2023

President McDowell share how we should be image bearers of Christ.

Episode length 17:01 minutes
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Podcast image for Opening Chapel

Opening Chapel

Monday, Aug 21st, 2023

The news school year is declared open.

Episode length 34:53 minutes
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Podcast image for His Love Endures Forever

His Love Endures Forever

Thursday, Apr 20th, 2023

Dr. McDowell shares stories of people who love LCU.

Episode length 13:04 minutes
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Podcast image for My Journey at LCU

My Journey at LCU

Tuesday, Apr 18th, 2023

Rachel shares doubts and struggles she has faced, but still remembers God’s goodness.

Episode length 8:35 minutes
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Podcast image for Receiving Praise

Receiving Praise

Monday, Apr 17th, 2023

Josh has people give complements to people on stage, and gives the challenge to do to others.

Episode length 11:55 minutes
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