Chapel Video Logo

Chapel Video Podcast

Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in the McDonald Moody auditorium, campus family and friends make time for chapel, a time to celebrate relationships. Some chapel times will focus primarily on our relationship with God, while others will focus primarily on community with each other. Many chapel experiences will combine elements of both.



Podcast image for Discipline


Tuesday, Feb 13th, 2024

Kerri shares four stages to help you start and maintain a discipline.

Episode length 12:38 minutes
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Podcast image for Running with Endurance

Running with Endurance

Monday, Feb 12th, 2024

Megan shares her story even with hard times she still continued with her organization.

Episode length 8:02 minutes
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Podcast image for God's Will and My Life, Part 2

God's Will and My Life, Part 2

Thursday, Feb 8th, 2024

Dr. Fredenburg goes over difficulties of understanding the bible

Episode length 21:08 minutes
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Podcast image for Receiving Grace

Receiving Grace

Tuesday, Feb 6th, 2024

Nathan shares a story from the depression about how the law was fulfilled but grace was also extended.

Episode length 10:33 minutes
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Podcast image for Lubbock's NAACP

Lubbock's NAACP

Monday, Feb 5th, 2024

Milton shares stories and the great advancements the Lubbock’s NAACP organization has been able to accomplish.

Episode length 13:27 minutes
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Podcast image for God's Will and My Life, Part 1

God's Will and My Life, Part 1

Thursday, Feb 1st, 2024

Dr. Fredenburg goes over difficulties of understanding the bible

Episode length 18:22 minutes
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Podcast image for How to Love Like Papa

How to Love Like Papa

Tuesday, Jan 30th, 2024

Jason shares four things his Papa did to love others.

Episode length 13:34 minutes
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Podcast image for The Wonder of the Human Body

The Wonder of the Human Body

Monday, Jan 29th, 2024

Chris shares several things about the body of how complex the human body is.

Episode length 13:53 minutes
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Podcast image for How Things Change Over Time

How Things Change Over Time

Thursday, Jan 25th, 2024

Dr. Gallaher share that is becoming more challenging to stay christian.

Episode length 10:32 minutes
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Podcast image for Don’t Paint with too Big a Brush

Don’t Paint with too Big a Brush

Tuesday, Jan 23rd, 2024

Hudson wants you to know that not everyone is the same and to not let one thing give you the perception that is like everyone else.

Episode length 9:38 minutes
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