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Monday, Tuesday, Thursday, and Friday in the McDonald Moody auditorium, campus family and friends make time for chapel, a time to celebrate relationships. Some chapel times will focus primarily on our relationship with God, while others will focus primarily on community with each other. Many chapel experiences will combine elements of both.


2025 Homecoming Court

Thursday, Feb 13th, 2025
Author : LCU Chapel
Podcast image for 2025 Homecoming Court

2025 Homecoming Court is announced

Episode length 9:45 minutes

Beta Transcript

(gentle music)
Announcer: Welcome to the coronation ceremony
for the 2025 Homecoming Queen and King.
We are pleased to welcome back to LCU
our 2015 Homecoming King and Queen,
Mr. Logan Adams and Mrs. Hannah Sutton Adams.
Hannah graduated with a BA in missions from LCU,
a master's of divinity from SMU
and a PhD from Boston College.
She is the daughter of Brian and Angie Sutton.
While at LCU, she served as ICC chaplain,
co-founder of Women of the Bible Department, Zeta Gamma,
and was a recipient of K.C. Moser Ministry Award.
Hannah is a postdoctoral associate at Duke Divinity School
and the assistant director for the Center
for the Theology of Childhood at the Godly Play Foundation.
She is also a board certified chaplain
and a postulant for the priesthood
with the Episcopal Church.
She is escorted by her husband
and 2015 Homecoming King, Logan Adams.
Logan graduated with a Bachelor of Science in biochemistry
from LCU, an MD from Texas Tech Health Sciences Center
School of Medicine.
He is the son of Dale and Kayla Adams.
While at LCU, he served as Mr. LCU,
coining the president and LCU student ambassadors program.
Logan is a physician in internal medicine
and addiction medicine, completing both residency
and fellowship at Massachusetts General Hospital
and Harvard Medical School.
He is the medical doctor for McLeod Centers for Wellbeing,
a nonprofit evidence-based addiction treatment program
dedicated to treating all patients
regardless of ability to pay.
Logan and Hannah live in Charlotte, North Carolina
with their dog, Charo.
Please join me in welcoming our honored guests,
Mr. Logan Adams and Ms. Hannah Sutton Adams.
It is my honor to introduce
our returning 2024 Homecoming Queen, Ms. Anna Carey-Teckel.
Anna is being escorted by Mr. Grant Moore,
the 2024 Homecoming King.
Anna is the daughter of Jeff and Amy Carey.
She graduated with her bachelor's degree in arts and biology
and now lives in Lubbock with her husband, Cameron Teckel.
Anna is a doctor of occupational therapy student
at Texas Tech University Health Science Center
and will graduate in May, 2027.
While at LCU, Anna was an F.W. Maddox Scholar,
Chaplain and Alumni Relations Director of Chris Lickdawman,
President of Alpha Chi Honor Society
and President of the Student Honors Advisory Council.
Mr. Grant Moore is the son of Jason and Carey Moore.
He graduated with a business management degree.
He was a member of Point Anea and served as president.
He was also a member of Business Connect and Honors College.
Grant is an area-wide ambassador
for a prestigious institution in town, LCU,
where he is also pursuing a master's degree.
Please welcome back,
Mr., uh, yep, Ms. Anna Carey-Teckel and Mr. Grant Moore.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: And now your 2025 Homecoming Court.
The freshman attendants are Miss Addyson Rogers
and Mr. Tate Higgins.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: Addyson is an integrated marketing
and communications major from Lubbock, Texas.
She is the daughter of LCU alums, Brad and Lindsay Rogers.
Addison is on the LCU cheer team
and was on the president's list.
She loves hanging out with friends,
but doesn't recommend cooking bacon in Gullo Hall.
Addyson is escorted today by Mr. Tate Higgins.
Tate is a general business major from Lubbock, Texas.
He is the son of Greg and Charlotte Higgins.
Tate enjoys hunting, fishing, and intramurals.
He is a member of Alpha Chi Delta
and owns a lawn mowing business.
Please help me congratulate Miss Addyson Rogers
and Mr. Tate Higgins.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: The sophomore attendants are Ms. Kate Franklin
and Mr. Wyatt Cox.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: Kate is an early childhood education major
from Plains, Texas.
She is the daughter of Stacey and Amanda Franklin.
Kate is a member of Kappa Phi Kappa
where she currently serves as a Follies director.
She loves intramurals, playing guitar, and writing music.
Kate was named on the president's list
and loves being the worship minister
at Atlas Campus Fellowship.
Kate is escorted today by Mr. Wyatt Cox.
Wyatt is an exercise sports science major
from Abilene, Texas.
He is the son of Darren and Shay Cox.
Wyatt is on the president's list,
Lone Star Conference Commissioner's Honor Roll,
and Alpha Chi Delta Honor Society.
He enjoys flavored black coffee,
watching The Office, Western movies, and college football.
Please congratulate Miss Kate Franklin and Mr. Wyatt Cox.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: The junior attendants are Miss Payton Murray
and Mr. Alan Mann.
Payton is a business marketing major
with a minor in criminal justice from Troy, Texas.
She is the daughter of Frank and Talia Murray.
Payton loves painting, junk journaling, and scrapbooks,
and watching The Sunset.
Never The Sunrise, it's too early.
Payton is on the LCU volleyball team
and loves to have dance parties with her Kappa sisters.
Alan is a mechanical engineering and mathematics major
from Lubbock, Texas.
He is the son of Keith and Sherry Mann.
Alan is on the president's list at LCU and TTU.
He enjoys playing pickleball,
being below average on the golf course,
reading, cooking, and spending time with friends and family.
Please congratulate Miss Payton Murray and Mr. Alan Mann.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: And now your nominees for 2025 Homecoming Queen and King.
Mr. Ty Drury and Miss Brooklyn Boyer.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: Ty is a senior finance major from Burleson, Texas.
He's the son of Derek and Laura Drury.
Ty is the current president of Alpha Chi Delta,
member of LCU Alliance,
and serves as a seventh grade small group leader
at Redeemer Church.
He's on the president's and dean's list.
Ty has been a counselor at Pine Cove,
summer camps, and LCU camps.
Ty is escorting Miss Brooklyn Boyer.
Brooklyn is a psychology and counseling major
with a minor in family studies from Lubbock, Texas.
She's the daughter of David and Tonia Boyer.
Brooklyn is on the president's list,
is a member of Christliche Damen,
where she serves as the president
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: and a Phi Alpha Honor Society member.
Brooklyn loves serving as an ambassador
for the Free Wheelchair Mission,
teaching at White River Youth Camp,
and being a sneakerhead.
Your next nominees are Mr. Tye Johnson
and Miss Madalyn Franklin.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: Tye is a youth and family ministry major from Lubbock, Texas.
He is the son of Leron and Rose Johnson.
Tye has served as a camp counselor for Pine Springs,
Encounter, and Champion,
and a youth intern for Children's Church of Christ.
He is a member of Alpha Chi
and serves as the CA for Gullo Hall.
He loves spending time with friends,
playing guitar, basketball, and video games.
Tye is escorting Miss Madalyn Franklin.
Madalyn is an ag business major from Plains, Texas.
She's the daughter of Stacey and Amanda Franklin.
She's a member of Kappa Phi Kappa,
an Alliance ambassador,
and on the President's and Dean's lists.
Madeline loves singing, playing guitar,
master follies, intramurals,
and being outside and traveling the world.
Your final nominees for Homecoming King and Queen
are Mr. Cade Landrum and Miss Madison Hord.
(audience cheering)
Cade is a sports psychology major from Lubbock, Texas.
He is the son of Chad and Buffy Landrum.
Cade is a member of Alpha Chi Delta,
where he is serving as vice president.
He's on the President's and Dean's lists
and serves as an orientation leader for three years.
Cade loves his wife, intramurals,
coaching basketball, and loving God and people.
Cade is escorting Miss Madison Hord.
Madison is a biology major from Brownfield, Texas.
She's the daughter of Shane and Rachel Horton.
Madison is a member of Kappa Phi Kappa,
where she serves as the president.
She is currently enrolled in Covenant School of Nursing.
Madison loves playing intramurals
and spending time with friends and family.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: Your 2025 Homecoming King is Mr. Tye Johnson.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: And your 2025 Homecoming Queen is Miss Brooklyn Boyer.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: Let's give one more congratulations to all our nominees.
: (audience cheering)
Announcer: You are all dismissed.
: (audience cheering)

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